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Project 01 :

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Rue des Bollandistes 22b, 1040 Brussels, Belgium


+324 84 129 676

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Aidas Krutejavas

Studies in Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania (LT) and Horsens Polytechnic Institute, Denmark (DK) . Master of Architecture from KU Leuven, Belgium (BE) diploma in 2004.

His professional career has a strong international character and is committed to the meeting of multiple architectural cultures and know-how.

Since 2004 Aidas Krutejavas is a design architect at Brussels based Bureau vers plus de bien-être / V+. In the period of 2011-2012 he has been a design architect at Baukunst, Brussels.

In 2017, he established Krutejavas Studio for Architecture. Thanks to the multidisciplinarity of its skills studio focuses on collaborative projects  with different artistic and architectural disciplines and engages in different scale projects throughout Northern Europe.

Architectural collaborations (2002-2024)


Bureau vers plus de bien-être / V+ (BE)

Baukunst (BE/CH)

Projectiles (FR)

CENTRAL office for architecture and urbanisme (BE)

IB Arch (DK/LT)

Rūta Palionytė, Copenhagen (DK)

Architecture Curating Practice (BE)

Gisèle Croës Gallery (BE)

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